AI 2030: Generating sustainable impact
Using artificial intelligence to generate impact on UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Our goal is to identify and invest in people and organizations that utilize AI to address key SDG challenges, such as reducing carbon emissions, promoting social equity, reducing poverty or improving clean water access. By leveraging the power of AI, we believe that these society can help achieve UN’s sustainable development goals.
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About program
Goal of the program
The goal is to disruptively use AI to help achieve one of the UN goals. The program looks to support teams and organizations trying to achieve this by giving them access to resources that facilitate this work. All goals are listed below, and we value the potential impact on any single goal proposed below.
This initiative is being organized by Marvik and it is open to collaboration with other organizations that are aligned with these goals and our values. We have the potential to create an impact, it is our duty to do so.
Selection process
To start the selection process you need to complete the form below in this this link. As a part of this process we will ask you for a two minute video explaining your idea. We value an experienced and committed team with a strong motivation and a viable idea that can be implemented using AI. We will prefer teams that can best use our help and that can have more impact.
Start the application
Sep 15th, 2023
Submission deadline
The selection process will take ~1 month after this
Execution & support
The program will take place over a nine month period after the selection process has ended. It will involve a reduced number of teams and organizations that meet the eligibility criteria. Throughout the process these teams will have access to support from experts in the field and additional benefits that will be confirmed before the kick off. The team will be demanded to make progress in the execution according to an action plan that will be defined by them.
At the end of the process, there will be a demo day in which experts will decide which is the best team and execution so far. The winner team will be granted a USD 15,000 fund to carry on with the execution.
Supported goals
No Poverty
The No Poverty goal, also known as SDG 1, is part of the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and aims to eradicate extreme poverty and reduce inequality worldwide by 2030.
Zero Hunger
To achieve this goal, governments, civil society organizations, and the private sector are called upon to work together to implement a range of policies and programs that promote sustainable agriculture, increase productivity, and ensure access to nutritious food for all individuals, particularly those living in poverty.
Good Health & Well Being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all individuals, at all ages, through access to quality healthcare, disease prevention, and mental health services.
Quality Education
Provide inclusive and equitable access to quality education for all individuals, from early childhood to tertiary education, to foster lifelong learning opportunities and skills for employment and personal development.
Gender Equality
Promote equal rights and opportunities for all individuals regardless of gender, eliminate discrimination and violence against women and girls, and increase women's leadership and participation in all aspects of society.
Clean Water & Sanitation
Ensure access to clean water and sanitation for all individuals, improve water quality, and promote water use efficiency and sustainability.
Affordable & Clean Energy
Ensure universal access to affordable, reliable, and modern energy services, and promote renewable energy and energy efficiency for sustainable development.
Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, support innovation, and build resilient infrastructure for sustainable development.
Decent work & economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all individuals, including women and young people.
Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries, promote social, economic, and political inclusion, and ensure equal opportunities for all individuals.
Sustainable cities & communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable, and promote sustainable urbanization and development.
Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and build climate resilience for sustainable development.
Responsible consumption & production
Guarantee sustainable consumption and production patterns, promote resource efficiency and reduce waste, and minimize the environmental impact of human activities.
Peace, justice & strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice and accountable institutions, and combat corruption and violence.
Life below water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development, and prevent marine pollution and degradation.
Life on land
Protect, restore, and promote the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, halt biodiversity loss, and combat desertification, land degradation, and deforestation.
Partnership for the goals
Strengthen global partnerships for sustainable development, promote cooperation and coordination among all stakeholders, and support the achievement of all SDGs. Read more in the UN website
How you can help
Sponsors are encouraged to reach out and help with:
  • Network and resources: Providing access to their networks and resources (including training hardware) to help expand the reach and impact of the program.
  • Advocacy and promotion: Raise awareness about the program and promote its goals and achievements to key stakeholders, such as policymakers, investors, and the general public.
  • Collaborative partnerships: Work collaboratively with the program team to co-create solutions, develop new technologies, and implement effective strategies for achieving SDG targets.
  • Technical expertise: Offer technical expertise in the field of AI, data science, or related areas to help develop and optimize the solutions.
  • Financial support: Provide funding to help cover the costs of implementing the program, such as research and development, data acquisition, and infrastructure development.
Reach out
Apply now to start the process that will involve completing a form and sending a two minute video that summarizes your idea and tentative action plan. We want to get to know you and your team (solo funders are accepted but teams are preferred). Tell us what motivates you and how do you think you can leverage technology to accomplish your goals. Basically, tell us why you think you are a fit with our program. If you have any doubts just reach out to [email protected].
Start the application
Selection criteria
  • Experience and background of the team: we prefer teams with proven execution capacity and it is even better if includes experience with AI
  • Feasibility of the project and goals: we like to set goals we can accomplish, they can be ambitious but they need to be realistic
  • Potential impact: We want to make the most out of this.
If you do not think that you meet with the above criteria, don’t worry, reach out anyway. There is no geographic restriction although teams based in Latam or North America are preferred.